Sunday, June 21, 2009

Life in the Fast Lane....

This past week has been a series of amazing celebrations for the Ramsdell Clan. Some may speculate that we didn't plan very well. (June 18) First, our 15th wedding anniversary! I'm so blessed to be married to Billy. It was been a journey that I couldn't have imagined. On Thursday, he picked me up and took me to a quaint picnic in the middle of a rose garden in a beautiful part of Colorado -- complete with my favorite sandwhich, wine and ice cream! It was wonderfully special and I totally loved it! We ended the day with Billy's parents and a Chili Dog at a local ice cream parlor. Perfect.

Next we celebrated Elizabeth's 14 bday (actually on June 22)! A beautiful day at the water park and gourmet burgers at Red Robin were the ticket. She requested her own camera and loved the red one we picked out. About 10 male waiters came over to sing her a happy bday song -- and Billy loudly informed them all that she was only turning 14. She's grown into this amazing young woman and we are sooooo excited about her future. Tomorrow morning at 6am she'll leave for 10 days in Germany. She can't wait.

Celebration number 3, Father's Day (June 21). So far -- this has been a quiet day soon to be filled with steak, car shows and Oreo cookies.

In the midst of it all, we've finished shopping for both international trips, Germany/China. We meet a 2 1/2 year old (same age as Eli) and were shocked how small they are! We've bought plane tickets, attended church events, went swimming, shown the house, and set up toys and a bed for our newest family member.

We are LOVIN this summer!

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