Tuesday, August 13, 2013

{Parenting in Real Time} - The Words I Would Say

To tell you the truth, I don't even know who finds this stuff interesting.

Me, "Who are these people who read my blog anyways"?

Hosanna, "All my friends."

Well, okkkkaaaayyyy then...

This past week, I've been recovering from an infection.  The effects of the antibiotics are worse to me than the infection, and as a result I've done a lot of sitting in this chair...thinking, typing, and listening to Summer Hits of the 80's.  Currently playing, "Never Surrender" by Cory Hart (who, for the record, had AT LEAST 2 hits in the 80's OBVIOUSLY disqualifying him for the 'one hit wonder' status hovering above his name.  Duh).

Anyhow, while I've been complaining about being sick recovering, our oldest daughter has been packing up her room to move to college.

I so clearly remember this chatty little thing...

Proudly sporting a Biblegirl shirt...

For years I referred to her as the "Gray T-shirt Girl" because she owned more gray shirts than any human should -- and she enjoyed wearing each. and. every. one.  of. them.

She was born talking.  I swear she could say Bye Bye at 3 months old.

From this...

To this...

First day of Kindergarten...(with sister, Hosanna, rocking the Power Puff Girls pajamas)...

To highschool graduation...

Truth be told, we were in love with her from day 1...

She's the perfect mix of sweet and strong...

Southern Charm...

Not afraid to kill it on a dirt bike...


Daddy's girl...

What's not to love?

In March of 1995 (3 months before Elizabeth was born...), Billy and I began writing to her in a journal.  Over the years it was filled with little remembrances that parents often forget...like the way she used to mispronounce her own name, the way I panicked and checked her breathing the first night she slept though the night...poems Billy wrote to her.  

When she was 6 months old, he writes, "I enjoy your company."  Yea, she was always that kind of kid.

Now, she's packing up her room.

I am truly, truly excited for her...

I am truly, truly excited for us.  After all, it does feel as if Billy and I have arrived some place significant in this parenting thing.

But, truth be known, the sight of all the boxes makes me feel sad too.

I will miss seeing her every.  single.  day.

The night before her graduation, we sat down to write our final entries into her journal.  

For what it's worth, these were the words that came from my fingers.  Final entry type words.  My serious side...

Dear Elizabeth,

1.  Fear is a natural part of life.  No doubt it will come for you at times.  But try your best not to live your life controlled by it.  Be conscious and intentional about this.  

The good, the bad, the crazy times come.  Things will rarely go the way you expect.  But all is in God's hands.  He already has a path marked out for you.  He already has good works planned in advance for you to do.  Be brave.  Got for it.  Try.  Surrender.  Give.  You will be glad you did.

2.  Don't let the fact that you have many choices available to you prevent you from making a choice.  There is a big difference between having a choice and making a choice.  Hindsight is perfect for everyone.  It's true, when you choose one school, one career, one church, one spouse, etc -- that you then don't get to choose many other things.  BUT, your CHOICE brings with it value.  Value to the thing you did choose.  So choose.  And move forward in your life with confidence.

3.  Enjoy your relationships.  Love always carries with it the element of risk.  Risk to love deeply.  In the end and in the now -- people matter more than anything else.

4.  Protect your thoughts and protect your joy.  The enemy seeks to destroy this above all else.  Be thankful for the good and the hard.  They are both first filtered through God's hand.

"Joy is a function of gratitude and gratitude is a function of perspective." Ann Voskamp

  Seek God's eternal perspective in hard times, be thankful and your eyes will always be opened to God's blessing.  Then, there is joy.

I pray this book serves as a testimony to you of a legacy of God's blessing past down, spoken over you, sung over you, taught to you, and prayed for you the past 17 years.

More is yet to come.  We are always here for you, always thinking of you, always praying.


I do not fear for Elizabeth Joy's next steps -- she's lived the past 18 years -- WELL.  Her name means "consecrated" and "set apart to the Lord".  I've always known that would have to mean something.   And, we release her with joy...

"God is within her.  She will not fall."  Psalms 46:5

I would love to know what YOUR final entry would include!

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